Articles in Scientific Journals
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2023), "Inclusive urban regeneration and solidarity economy: brief notes on posible connections regarding minority women", CES Contexto - Debates, 33, 15-23
Banerjee, Swati; Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Hulgård, Lars (2023), "Intersectional knowledge as rural social innovation", Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 252-261
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Cavalcanti, Vanessa; Tavares, Marcia Santana (2021), "Economias Feministas em Tempo Presente - Entrevista com Luciane Lucas dos Santos", Revista Feminismos, 9, 1
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Under the flyover: Homeless people, power of choice and the practice of autonomy through an exchange fair", Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 5, 1, 1
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Deve a economia feminista ser pós-colonial? Colonialidade económica, género e epistemologias do Sul", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 114, 161-186
Hespanha, Pedro; Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2016), "The name and the thing. Invisibility and absence of institutional recognition regarding Solidarity Economy in Portugal", Revista de Economia Solidária da Aceesa (Associação Centro de Estudos de Economia Solidária do Atlântico), 9
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Silva, Beatriz Caitana (2014), "Exchange circuits and social currencies in mainland Portugal: The challenges of a culture of social emancipation", Otra Economía, 8, 15, 210-219
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Hoff, Tania (2009), "Du corps comme espace d'intervention au corps-média : analyse du discours publicitaire de la santé", Esprit Critique - Revue Internationale de Sociologie et de Sciences Sociales, 12, Numéro Spécial
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos; Hoff, Tânia (2009), "The hidden face of charity: lines of strength and lines of fracture in media discourse of goodness", FAMECOS, 38, 28-36
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2008), "Hunger as a way of stonewalling political right: counter-hegemonic communication and food sovereignty", e-cadernos CES, 1, 2
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos; Hoff, Tânia (2008), "Subtle forms of hierarchical domination: Body and feminisation of poverty", Ex-Aequo, 17, 133-154