José Tomás da Silva


José Manuel Tomás da Silva is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is currently the Head of the Vocational Guidance and Counselling Service, the Coordinator of the Statistical and Data Analysis Consulting Center and Senior Member of Laboratory of Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics. His research interests are in the areas of career psychology, counselling psychology, motivation and academic achievement, psychometrics, and psychological assessment. He is also currently involved in researching the impact of cognitive- motivational constructs (personal control expectancies, psychological needs, achievement goals, instrumentality and time perspective) on vocational development and behavior, school performance and well-being of various population groups.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Martins, Cátia; Jesus, Saul; da Silva, José Tomás; Ribeiro, Conceição; Estêvão, Maria Dulce; Mocho, Helena; Ratinho, Elias; Nunes, Cristina (2023), "The Volunteer Motivation Scale (VMS): Adaptation and Psychometric Properties among a Portuguese Sample of Volunteers", Sustainability, 16, 1, 327

Article in Scientific journal

Neves, Paula C.; Andrade, Cláudia; Paixão, Rui; da Silva, José Tomás (2023), "Portuguese version of Bern Illegitimates Task Scale: adaptation and evidence of validity", BMC Psychology, 11, 1

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Article in Scientific journal

Martins, Cátia; de Jesus, Saúl Neves; da Silva, José Tomás; Ribeiro, Conceição; Nunes, Cristina; Cunha, Francisca Ferreira; Marcelo, Beatriz (2022), "The Volunteer Satisfaction Survey (VSS): Adaptation and Psychometric Properties among Portuguese Volunteers", European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13, 1, 23-32

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