2024-11-22 to 2024-11-22 - "Fantasmagorias: metáforas, espíritos, processos". Docente convidada no programa de doutoramento Discursos: História, Cultura e Sociedade (unidade curricular: Memórias, Silêncios e Heterodoxias ).
2024-06-18 to 2024-06-18 - Module 'Paisagens da Memória em Cabo Verde: cartografias pós-coloniais' at the CES Summer School 'Images in Freedom - Visual Cultures of April', 17-21 June, FLUC/CES (with Miguel Cardina).
2024-05-09 to 2024-05-09 - "As paisagens memoriais da luta de libertação em Cabo Verde". Docente convidada no programa de Mestrado em História Moderna e Contemporânea do Iscte (unidade curricular: Novas Perspetivas em História Contemporânea).
2023-11-09 to 2023-11-09 - "Violence, haunting and postcolonial futures". Guest Lecturer in the PhD program Human Rights in Contemporary Societies (curricular unit: History of Human Rights and the North-South Divide).
2023-10-14 to 2024-02-30 - Teacher responsible for the curricular unit "Postcolonialisms, Identities and Cultural Citizenship" of the doctoral programme Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship (CES/FEUC).
2023-09-22 to 2023-09-22 - "Música e Lutas de Libertação: resistência, anticolonialismo e memória". Invited teacher at the international specialization course "Artes, Ativismos e Memórias: os arquivos das histórias dos povos / Artes, activismos y memorias: los archivos de las historias de los pueblos", CLACSO/CES, online.
2022-11-19 to 2022-11-19 - Seminar "Different voices, other postcolonial futures: violence, haunting and uses of the past". Invited teacher in the course "History in the Public Sphere", NOVA-FCSH, Portugal.
2022-11-04 to 2022-11-04 - Module "History, memory and anti-colonial resistance in the songs of the liberation struggles" in the the course "Politics, Literature and Cinema. The importance of the arts in deconstructing colonial narratives", organised in Aveiro by Milártica and LABIC Aveiro - Laboratório de Cidadania Intercultural.
2022-10-13 to 2022-10-13 - "Doing a PhD: epistemological challenges, impasses in the selection of methodologies and survival strategies". Guest speaker at the Research Seminar module of the doctoral programme in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship (CES/FEUC).
2022-09-22 to 2022-09-22 - Seminar "Music and Liberation Struggles: resistance, anti-colonialism and memory" in the international specialisation course "Arts, Activisms and Memories: the archives of peoples' histories / Artes, activismos y memorias: los archivos de las historias de los pueblos", CLACSO/CES.
2022-06-30 to 2022-06-30 - Workshop "Singing liberation struggles: resistance, politics and music" at the CES Summer School "Epistemologies of the South VI: Existing, Resisting and Fighting through the Arts", 27-30 June and 4-7 July 2022, online.
2022-03-25 to 2022-03-25 - "Performing Violent Pasts through Postcolonial Hauntings. The case of S. Tomé and Príncipe". Guest Lecturer at the Doctoral Program in International Politics and Conflicts Resolution, FEUC/CES, Portugal.
2021-11-29 to 2021-11-29 - "Memory and Liberation Struggles". Guest Lecturer in the Doctoral program "Human Rights in Contemporary Societies" (with Vasco Martins).
2020-10-29 to 2020-10-29 - Seminar "Haunting as historical memory: elements for a postcolonial critique of the construction of the past", as part of the postgraduate programme "Human Rights, Racial and Indigenous Inequality in times of the COVID-19 pandemic", at the Federal University of Bahia.
2020-04-17 to 2020-04-17 - Seminar as part of the Methodology course of the doctoral programme in Heritage of Portuguese Influence.
2018-04-18 to 2018-04-18 - Seminar on "HUMAN RIGHTS, INEQUALITIES, DISCRIMINATION AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION" on the doctoral programme in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies (with Miguel Cardina and Vasco Martins).