Cláudia Nogueira


Cláudia Nogueira is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies. She has a PhD in Sociology, with the thesis "Beyond Silences. Mental suffering, integrality and (im)possibilities of an ecology of care". Her current research interests are related to the themes of Mental Suffering, Paradigm of Comprehensiveness, Ecology of Care, Public Health Policies, Community Mental Health Teams, Epistemological Diversity in Health and Spirituality-Health. She participated in a pioneering study on psychiatric deinstitutionalization in Portugal, having co-authored "Mental Illness, Institutions and Families. The challenges of deinstitutionalization in Portugal", with Pedro Hespanha et al. (Almedina, 2012). She is currently a member of the Portuguese team at FRANET (2022-2026), the multidisciplinary research network of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency. As part of this team, she is a researcher on the project «Fundamental rights protection of persons with disabilities in institutions».

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Nogueira, Cláudia (2024), "Paradoxos e fragilidades na intervenção de uma Equipa Comunitária de Saúde Mental: breves ecos de uma pesquisa etnográfica", Plataforma Barómetro Social, 1ª Série de 2024, (Abril de 2024)

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Book Chapter

Nogueira, Cláudia (2021), Entre o compromisso de cuidar e a (in)evitável herança biomédica: virtualidades, limites e desafios de uma Equipa de Saúde Mental Comunitária, in Breno Fontes; Viviane Silva (org.), Rios e Represas: olhares para a saúde mental. Porto Alegre: CirKula, 47-109

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