Catarina Almeida Marado


Catarina Almeida Marado is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES-UC). She is also an invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve since 2007 and a visiting professor at the Master in Architecture and Heritage of the University of Seville since 2009. She has postgraduate education and technical training qualifications in Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Urban Studies and Territorial Planning and holds a PhD in Architecture from the University of Seville (2007) with a research grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Her PhD thesis "Monastic heritage and urban periphery. The protection of the monastic buildings of the Algarve" investigate the articulation between heritage protection and urban and territorial planning. Between 2012 and 2018 she has developed a Postdoctoral research project at CES funded by FCT Portugal, dedicated to the study of the formation and urban impacts of the Portuguese monastic urban systems. She has broad-reaching research experience on monastic architecture/heritage and their relationships with the urban environment across different geographic and chronological contexts. She has several publications on this topic and participated in research projects in Portugal, Italy, Spain and Belgium. She is currently responsible (with Lorena Sancho Querol) for the project CONVENTUS: new perspectives on the former Convent of São José in Lagoa (2023-2025), which interconnects the study of conventual architecture with collaborative cultural heritage management practices.

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2024), The "other mendicant orders": Augustinian and Carmelite friaries in the medieval Portuguese cities, in Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D'Aughton, Anne-Julie Lafaye (org.), Mendicants on the margins: Geographical, social and historiographical margins in the study of medieval and early modern mendicant orders. Cork University Press, 69-85

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Article in Scientific journal

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2023), "Changing Views on Heritage Through Time: The Listing of Monastic Heritage in Portugal", Heritage & Society, 1-22

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Book Chapter

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2023), As casas religiosas do Algarve nos séculos XV e XVI, in R. M. Loureiro (org.), O Algarve na Primeira Globalização - Coletânea de Estudos. Faro: DRCAlgarve, Projeto Magallanes_ICC, 83-101

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