Advanced training

Ph. D. Project Supervisions

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Maria Isabel Caldeira) of ""We'd rather be 'Red' than dead" - Embracing One's Difference Through Selected Native Canadian Fiction For Children and Adolescents"", by the author Susana Mota Reboredo Amante .

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Maria Isabel Caldeira) of "The Canadian Novel in English as a Paradigm of Canadian Literary Identity", by the author Natalia Rodríguez Nieto.

Master Theses Supervisions

10-03-2008 - master project supervision of ""'What's wrong with looking like Hester Street?' Anzia Yezierska e os dilemas dos imigrantes judeus na nova terra prometida"", by the author Susana Pinho de Belo Gomes.

16-02-2006 - master project supervision of ""Imigrantes Mexicanas nos EUA: História e histórias de Vida"", by the author Gabriela Maria Rodrigues Geraldes.