Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of Encontros de Investigação em Cultura Urbana e Arquitectónica, Departamento de Arquitectura da Universidade de Coimbra, 31 to 31 October by 2013.

Presentations in scientific events

Lebre, Rui Aristides; Bandeirinha, José António (2020), "The Need for Shelter: Laugier, Ledoux and Enlightenment's Shadows​", paper presented at Visual Spaces of Change: Sophia Journal, FAUP, Porto, 14 to 14 October.

Lebre, Rui Aristides; Castela, Tiago (2020), "Rule in Portugal's Forced Resettlement Camps in Guinea-Bissau", paper presented at I Intersectional Conference - Encarceramento e Sociedade, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 29 to 31 January.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2019), "Bissau, Outubro 2019: Impressões de uma viagem de campo", paper presented at A urbanidade africana: diferentes perspectivas sobre a Guiné-Bissau, Colégio das Artes, Pólo 1 da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 30 to 30 October.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2019), "Surveying essences, producing culture: virgin landscapes and the architectural reinvention of the late Portuguese empire", paper presented at International Congress, Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes, Lisboa, 16 to 18 January.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2018), "Homeownership, Design, and Postcolonial Citizenship: Comparing Two Emergency Housing Programs in Portugal, 1974--82", paper presented at 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments: the politics of tradition, Coimbra, 04 to 07 October.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2016), "Saber e Poder: uma escola que queria ser cidade", paper presented at Primer Congresso IberoAmericano de Historia Urbana, Santiago do Chile, 23 to 25 November.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2016), "Um estudo dos compromissos democráticos da arquitectura portuguesa", paper presented at I Mostra Internacional de Investigação de Doutorandos na Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 24 to 24 May.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2014), "Difference and distinction in SAAL: a challenge to the politics of architecture", paper presented at COLÓQUIO INTERNACIONAL 74-14 | O SAAL e a ARQUITETURA, Coimbra, 14 to 16 November.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2013), "O Sujeito da Tekne", paper presented at O Espaço na Democratização da Justiça, Universidade de Évora, 20 to 20 September.

Lebre, Rui Aristides (2013), "For Scarce Means, Abundant Ends: Fernando Távora and the production of modernity", paper presented at Within the Limits of scarcity - Rethinking space, city and practices, University of Westminster, London, 26 to 28 February.