Barrinha, André (2018) critical review to M. E.Smith (2018), Europe's Common Security and Defence Policy: Capacity‐building, Experiential Learning, and Institutional Change, in Journal of Common Market Studies, 1217-1218
Barrinha, André (2016) critical review to George Christou (2015), Cybersecurity in the European Union. Resilience and adaptability in governance policy, Londres: Palgrave, 222, in European Security
Barrinha, André (2010) critical review to John Bew, Martyn Frampton, Inigo Gurruchaga (2009), alking to Terrorists: Making Peace in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd, in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Barrinha, André (2010) critical review to Andrew Neal (2009), Exceptionalism and the Politics of Counter-Terrorism. Liberty, Security and the War on Terror, Oxon: Routledge, in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Barrinha, André (2006) critical review to José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes (2005), Turquia: Metamorfoses de Identidade, Lisboa: ICS, in Relações Internacionais