Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of EU Cybersecurity: What security for what Europe?, CES-LX, 11 to 11 September by 2014 (com Barrinha, André Carrapiço, Helena).

Organization of Mesa-Redonda PT-SSN: A União Europeia enquanto ator de segurança no sistema internacional, Faculdade de Economia , 29 to 29 November by 2012.

Organization of Ética e Política nos Estudos de Segurança, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 15 to 15 December by 2011.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Workshop "Politics of Intervention: Portugal and Germany in Afghanistan", no âmbito do projecto "Políticas de Intervenção: Uma Comparação do Envolvimento de Política Externa Alemão e Português na Ásia Central/Sul", CES-Lisboa, 13 to 13 September by 2011 (com Barrinha, André; Freire, Maria Raquel; Duarte Lopes, Paula).

Presentations in scientific events

Barrinha, André (2015), "The ideological construction of cybersecurity ", paper presented at Re-energizing Ideology Studies, University of Nottingham, UK, 27 to 28 November.

Barrinha, André (2015), "Drones and the uninsurable security subjects ", paper presented at EISA Pan-European Conferences on International Relations, Sicily, Italy, 23 to 26 September.

Barrinha, André (2015), "Neoliberalism and the ideological construction of British cybersecurity", paper presented at BISA Annual Conference, Londres, 17 to 19 June.

Barrinha, André (2015), "Expanding the complex: defence industries in the digital age", paper presented at BISA @40 workshop - Private Security Beyond Private Military and Security Companies: Practices and Governance, Londres, 16 to 16 June.

Barrinha, André (2015), ""Progressive Realism and the importance of a European Grand Strategy"", paper presented at EUSA Biennial Conference, Boston, 05 to 07 March.

Barrinha, André; Carrapico, Helena (2015), "The Coherence of the EU Cyber Security Strategy", paper presented at EUSA Biennial Conference, Boston, 05 to 07 March.

Barrinha, André (2014), "Neoliberalism and the governance of cyberterrorism", paper presented at BISA Critical Studies on Terrorism Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 15 to 16 September.

Barrinha, André; Carrapiço, Helena (2014), "The Coherence of EU Cyber-strategy", paper presented at UACES Annual Conference, University of Cork, Ireland, 01 to 03 September.

Barrinha, André; Carrapiço, Helena (2014), "The EU's security actorness in cyberspace: quo vadis?", paper presented at CSDP Strategy Workshop, Maastricht University, 31 to 31 January.

Barrinha, André (2013), "The European Defence Agency and the discursive construction of European defence and security", paper presented at UACES Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, 02 to 04 September.

Barrinha, André (2013), "Post-modernities: Europe and its defence", paper presented at EUSA Biennial Conference, Baltimore, EUA, 09 to 11 May.

Barrinha, André (2013), "'The future ain't what it used to be': the Copenhagen School and the ethical challenge of post-modern security", paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 03 to 06 April.

Barrinha, André; Carrapiço, Helena (2013), "The internal, the external and the virtual: the EU and the security of the cyberspace", paper presented at CSDP Strategy: A Reality or Wishful Thinking?, I UACES CRN CSDP Strategy Workshop, University of Surrey, Reino Unido, 01 to 01 February.

Barrinha, André (2012), "A UE e os desafios ético-políticos da segurança pós-moderna", paper presented at Mesa Redonda da Rede Portuguesa de Estudos de Segurança "A União Europeia enquanto ator de segurança no sistema internacional", FEUC, 29 to 29 November.

Barrinha, André (2012), "Progressive Realism and the EU Ethics of Military Intervention", paper presented at UACES Conference "Exchanging Ideas on Europe", Universidade de Passau, Alemanha, 03 to 05 September.

Barrinha, André (2012), "The Construction of European Security in Euro-Mediterranean Relations: A Discursive Analysis", paper presented at ISA Convention , San Diego, 01 to 04 April.

Barrinha, André (2011), "Dar aos bad boys uma hipótese: Realismo, política e a possibilidade da paz", paper presented at 1º Congresso Internacional do OBSERVARE, Lisboa, 16 to 18 November.

Barrinha, André; Rosa, Marco (2011), "Cultural reflections: Portugal and Europe's Security Culture", paper presented at 41st UACES Conference, University of Cambridge, 05 to 07 September.

Barrinha, André (2011), "Revisiting Turkey's position in the Regional Security Complex Theory", paper presented at 3rd Global International Studies Conference, Universidade do Porto, 17 August 20 September.

Barrinha, André (2011), "From insulator to regional power? Turkey and the Regional Security Complex Theory", paper presented at International Studies Association Annual Convention, Montreal, 16 to 19 March.

Barrinha, André (2010), "O Político como base da conflitualidade armada", paper presented at V Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política , Universidade de Aveiro, 04 to 06 March.

Barrinha, André (2009), "Portuguese Security Culture: Between Washington and Brussels", paper presented at EU-ISS Summer School: European Security Culture and National Traditions, University of Cambridge, 14 to 17 July.

Barrinha, André (2009), "Justifying the European Defence Agency: from national security to global economy?", paper presented at International Conference Organised by the Centre for Global Political Economy, University of Surrey, 14 to 15 May.

Barrinha, André (2009), "The European Defence Agency and the discourse on the European defence industry", paper presented at 50th International Studies Association Annual Convention, New York City, 15 to 18 February.

Barrinha, André (2009), "A critical approach to the study of conflicts. Lessons from the 'critical turn' in Security Studies", paper presented at 50th International Studies Association Annual Convention, New York City, 15 to 18 February.

Barrinha, André (2008), "Conflict Studies and Security Studies: an ambiguous relationship", paper presented at Conference on Conflict and Complexity, Conflict Research Society, University of Kent at Canterbury, 02 to 03 September.

Barrinha, André (2008), "Securitised Protracted Social Conflicts?", paper presented at 2nd Global International Studies Conference, University of Ljubljana, 23 to 26 July.

Barrinha, André (2008), "The terrorist label in securitised conflicts: Turkey's discourse on the PKK", paper presented at 49th International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, 26 to 26 March.

Barrinha, André (2008), "Ancara e a segurança europeia", paper presented at IV Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Lisboa, 06 to 07 March.

Barrinha, André (2007), "Ankara, Washington, and the fight against the PKK in Northern Iraq", paper presented at Political Studies Association South-East Postgraduate Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, 20 to 20 October.

Barrinha, André (2007), "The 'War on Terror' and US-Turkey Relations in Northern Iraq", paper presented at The Sixth METU Conference on International Relations, Ankara, 14 to 17 June.

Barrinha, André (2006), "The Copenhagen School and the Europeanisation of Conflict Resolution", paper presented at The Fifth METU Conference on International Relations, Ancara, 15 to 17 June.