Articles in Scientific Journals
Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa; Hessen, Dave; Kleber, Rolf (2014), "Child maltreatment and psychological symptoms in a Portuguese adult community sample: the harmful effects of emotional abuse", European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-12
Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa; Mota Cardoso, Rui; Kleber, Rolf (2014), "Childhood maltreatment in adult offspring of Portuguese war veterans with and without PTSD", European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5
Dias, Aida; Pinto, Ana; Carvalho, António; Vale, Ivone; Sales, Luisa; Mota Cardoso, Rui (2010), "Impact Event Scale -revised (IES-r): adaptação num grupo exposto a acidentes de viação", Laboratório de Psicologia, Submetido para revisão
Dias, Aida (2009), "War's Mental Health Legacies for Children of Combatants", Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 21, 2, 182 - 187
Sales, Luisa; Guardado Pereira, Fernando; Dias, Aida (2004), "PTSD e Peritagem Médico-Legal", Revista Portuguesa de saúde Militar, 1, 9-14