PhD Thesis proposal

The Project of Archaic: Purpose and Place in the Work of Peter Zumthor

Supervisor/s: João Paulo Providência

Doctoral Programme: CoimbraStudio Architecture Doctoral Program, Department of Architecture, FCTUC

What are the original connections between the human's primal being and man's act of making? Would it be possible to be drawn in a study between the archaic and architecture? The proposed dissertation pursues these questions in order to discuss the position of Peter Zumthor and his relevance within the wide contemporary architectural practice. The study of the life and work of the Swiss architect shall present the necessary background to guide the examination of his major projects or buildings. The dissertation will argue that the unitary character of smaller works such as the chapels Sogn Benedetg in Sumvitg, Switzerland, and Brüder Klaus in Mechernich, Germany, expand the specific contents of their programme while, simultaneously, condense the broad surroundings of their site. Moreover, the chapels are both presented as elementary constructions that recreate two distinctive habitats that report from an ancient human living, a cabin and a cavern. Although the reading of primitive structures could also be extended to other works of Peter Zumthor, the chapels will be taken as a comparative case that shape the thematic production of an architectural practice that refuses to fit into any categorical style. Instead, one should be talking about concepts, ideas, themes. A clarification is required and, for that, the proceedings will guide by the sense of condensation instead of extrapolation. The main one deals with the construction of Atmospheres, recognized already as a well-established claim by the Swiss architect. The curiosity is now placed in what precedes that formulation. Hanging on the start - "I love beginnings", is supposed to have been said by Louis Kahn -, an attempt is made as the project of Archaic. Supporting the main frame, the discourse will drift between Purpose and Place in the work of Peter Zumthor.