Scientific Events
Presentations in scientific events
Almeida, Inês (2017), "The impact beyound the account Casa Grande Foundation: local tourism and social value", paper presented at Culture, Sustainability, and Place:
Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, 11 to 13 October.
Almeida, Inês (2015), "What the heart feels and the eyes must see. Casa Grane Foundation, social value produced and the relations among processes. ", paper presented at ESSE European Summer School of Social Economy, Bertinoro, Itália, 06 to 11 July.
Almeida, Inês; Araujo, Iara; Sarah, Proença; Denise, Borges (2015), "the oasis in the outback, Casa Grande foundation, Kariri man memorial.", paper presented at 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinquia (Finlândia), 30 June 03 July.