Bryan Vargas Reyes
PhD student in Postcolonialisms and global citizenship. Lawyer and master's student in Political Studies at the National University of Colombia. He has experience of empirical work in rural contexts with indigenous peoples in Colombia. His scientific work involves Postcolonial studies, legal sociology, legal pluralism, and the rights of indigenous peoples. He is part of the Southern Epistemologies research program and the Southern Epistemologies Summer School.
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Vargas Reyes, Bryan (2023), Las epistemologías del Sur y la revuelta de los nadies, in Bryan Vargas Reyes; Irene Velez-Torres (org.), Cali: Estallido Social. La esperanza sobrepaso el miedo. Siglo Editorial
Article in Scientific journal
Ariza Santamaría, Rosembert; Vargas Reyes, Bryan (2023), "Derecho propio: elementos restaurativos para la aplicación del enfoque étnico en casos relacionados con el territorio como víctima del conflicto armado.", Estudios Socio-Jurídicos, 26, 1
Read moreBook
Vargas Reyes, Bryan; Velez-Torres, Irene (orgs.) (2023), Cali: Estallido social. La esperanza sobrepasó el miedo. Colombia: Siglo Editorial
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