
Maps of Memory: a European post-colonial cartography

June 27, 2024, 9h30-13h00

Online event

MAPS - European Post-memories: a postcolonial cartography, was a project funded by FCT that created a new cartography of European colonial memory, bringing to the fore the memories of those affected by colonialism and decolonisation in Portugal, France and Belgium, from the point of view of the second and third generations. It was based on part of the research carried out in the project Memoirs - Children of Empires and European Post-memories (no. 648624), funded by the European Research Council and developed at the Centre for Social Studies. The resignification of the colonial past brought about by the combination of the study of personal narratives, literature, and artistic works, from the point of view of the concept of post-memory, has made a powerful contribution to rethinking the heritage of colonial memory as a fundamental part of European identity.

This project gave rise to the Reimagining Europe platform, which presents the project's achievements in various formats. The results, particularly the proposed tools, have a high pedagogical reach, showing how post-memory can generate new democratic, post-national commitments and North-South dialogue.

Activity within the scope of the research project MAPS - European post-memories: a post-colonial cartography, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - PTDC/LLT-OUT/7036/2020).


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