Workshop | Roda de Saberes

Approaches to material and visual culture in cultural studies

June 5, 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


In the second session of the workshop cycle “Roda de saberes” we will discuss the study of material e visual culture as methodological approaches which signaled the rise of cultural studies in the area of Humanities. The study of objets and images created by historical and contemporary subjects, of the contexts of their creation, reproduction and reconfiguration, as well as of the means through which those cultural forms circulate, are fundamental research tools in cultural studies. Approached as “texts”, the interpretation of these cultural forms contributes to characterise a given historical moment or social and cultural context, to establishing trans-historical and inter-cultural relations, to decodify the mechanisms of cultural production and reception and critically analyse the strategies of creation of meaning.

Starting from practical examples the participants will be invited to reflect on the potentialities – and the limitations! – of the study of material and visual culture within cultural studies, as well as on the so often contested field of study methodologies within the Humanities.

This session will be moderated by Patrícia Silva (CES) and Maria José Canelo (CES) | Contact:

Methodology Series

Roundtable of Knowledges I