Book presentation

«Corpos na Trouxa | Histórias-artísticas-de-vida de mulheres palestinianas no exílio» by Shahd Wadi

February 1, 2018, 19h00

Almedina Atrium Saldanha (Lisbon)

Presented by Isabel Allegro de Magalhães (Full Professor Emeritus on Comparative Literature)

CES/Almedina Book Series | Series «Identidades e Interculturalidades» 2017


As a Palestinian woman, I bring this book with me as my own body in the bundle of exile. Corpos na trouxa (bodies in the bundle)  will also one day bring my body in the bundle of returning to a free Palestine. It was the bundle that gave me the story of my family from Palestine's exile. And it taught me to know myself. This is what this book is all about.

Corpos na trouxa (bodies in the bundle) are the life stories of Palestinian women in exile told by art and bodies. Through contemporary artistic and cultural creations, these women narrate the history of Palestine that takes place in their body, a story that I also share. The question remains: can we recreate in our bodies and in art our lost place and our feminist and Palestinian resistance base?

A poem, a film, a painting, a novel, a song, a photograph - these are the bundles of exile, which not only hold our bodies, our memories and life stories, but also the place where we exercise our resistance. This book is also my resistance.

About the Author

Shahd Wadi is Palestinian among other possibilities, but the freedom is mostly Palestinian. She seeks resistance through the Palestinian Feminisms of Occupied Bodies, as she has received her PhD in Feminist Studies at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Her thesis entitled “Bodies in a Bundle: Artistic-Life-Stories of Palestinian Women in Exile” addresses the narratives and representations of women’s bodies in cultural and artistic contemporary creations as simultaneously silence and site of resistance in the context of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. In her research, she considers art a life testimony, also her own. She has a Master’s degree in the same area with a thesis entitled "Feminisms of Occupied Bodies: Palestinian Women between Two Resistances." In 2012, she was nominated by The European Project for Research Dissemination (ERD), to be part of the platform of Best European Young Researchers, publishing one of her articles in several journals on the European level.In her research, which underlies this book, she addresses the artistic narratives in the context of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and considers the arts a testimony of lives. Yours included.