Film session

"Hortas di pobreza" (2010)  by Sara de Sousa Correia

July 9, 2015, 10h00

Camões Portuguese Language Centre of the University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar,Senegal)

"Hortas Di Pobreza" (2010) by Sara de Sousa Correia (78’, Guiné-Bissau)
Presentation and comments:  Catarina Martins (CES)

Synopsis:  Documentary about local roots in times of global trade. Depicts a rural community of Balanta farmers in a remote village in the deep south of Guinea-Bissau, whose inhabitants live, as any small producers anywhere in the world, social transformation processes resulting from global economic and political interests.


Organisers: Camões Portuguese Language Centre of the University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar, Senegal),  Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Research Group (NHUMEP/CES) and Fila K Cineclube

Lusophone Cinema Series

40 Years of Independences