International Seminar

Perpetrators - Reactions and Responses

September 9 and 10, 2011

Room 2, CES-Coimbra

António Sousa Ribeiro
Instituto de Estudos Alemães
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
Largo da Porta Férrea
3004-530 Coimbra
António Sousa Ribeiro is a full professor for German Studies at the School of Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where, until recently, he chaired the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. He is a senior researcher and member of the Scientific Board of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and was for many years the editor of the Center's journal, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. In this capacity he co-founded the European network Eurozine and was a member of its editorial board until the beginning of 2011. He has published extensively on several topics in Austrian and German Studies (with special emphasis on Karl Kraus and Viennese modernity), Comparative Literature, Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies and the Sociology of Culture. His current research interests include Austrian and German Studies, Comparative Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Translation Studies, Studies on Modernism, and Studies on Violence. He has also been occasionally active as a literary translator (Portuguese translation e.g. of Karl Kraus, The Last Days of Mankind, Lisboa, Antígona, 2003).


Julia Garraio
Researcher, Centro de Estudos Sociais
Colegio de S. Jeronimo
3001-401 Coimbra
Júlia Garraio (PhD German Literature 2003) is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies (Humanities, Migrations and Peace Studies Group). She is currently working on a research project about literary and cinematographic representations of the rape of German women in the Second World War. Selected publications: (2010) "Vergewaltigung als Schlüsselbegriff einer misslungenen Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Hans Ulrich Treichels Der Verlorene und Reinhard Jirgls Die Unvollendeten", Mittelweg 36, 4. (also on-line in: REAL: Revista de Estudos Alemães and Eurozine); (2010) "The Western way is the German way. Contemporary German films revisit allied wartime violence" in Fernanda Mota Alves, Daniela Di Pasquale, Sofia Tavares, Ricardo Gil Soeiro (org.), Filologia, Memória e Esquecimento: Húmus, 259-274; (2010) “O violador muçulmano. Discursos de exorcização do indesejável na Europa fortaleza”, E-cadernos, 8: Rituais Contemporâneos,

Tatiana Moura
Researcher, RG on Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies
Centro de Estudos Sociais
Colegio de S. Jeronimo
3001-401 Coimbra
Tatiana Moura (PhD Peace, Conflicts and Democracy) coordinates the Observatory on Women and Armed Violence and co-coordinates the Humanities, Migrations and Peace Studies Group at the Centre for Social Studies and a member of the Peace Studies Group. She is currently a member of the IANSA’s (International Action Network on Small Arms) Women’s Network Working Group, the only international network dedicated to the articulations between gender, women’s rights, small arms and armed violence. Her research interests include feminism and International Relations, new wars and urban violence, and gender and armed violence. In the last years, she has coordinated several projects on the involvement of women and girls in contexts of armed violence, particularly in Latin America, for example “Women and armed violences. War strategies against women in non-war contexts. A case study of Rio de Janeiro, San Salvador and Medellin”, funded by the Ford Foundation Brazil. Since June 2008 she coordinates the project “Gender, Violences and Public Security”, a partnership between NEP/CES and the Centre for Studies on Public Security and Citizenship, at the University of Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, also funded by the Ford Foundation Brazil. She published, in 2005, Entre Atenas e Esparta. Mulheres, Paz e Conflitos Armados, Coimbra: Quarteto Editora; in 2007, Rostos Invisíveis da Violência Armada. Um Estudo de Caso sobre o Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras.In 2009, Auto de Resistência. Relatos de familiares de vítimas da violência armada; and in 2010 Novissimas Guerras. Espacos, Identidades e Espirais da Violencia Armada, Coimbra: Almedina.


Regina Mühlhäuser
Hamburg Institute for Social Research
Mittelweg 36
20148 Hamburg
Phone +40 (0)40 4140 970
Regina Mühlhäuser is a historian and the contact person for the Working Group on Gender and War at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research. Her current research project is entitled “On All Sides: How Different Military Actors in WWII Dealt with Sexual Violence”. Her research interests include sexual violence in conflict zones; gender and sexuality during National Socialism; history of international law; memory politics after World War II in Europe and Asia. Selected publications: (with Carsten Gericke), “Vergebung und Aussöhnung nach sexuellen Gewaltverbrechen in Kriegs- und Konfliktregionen. Zur Funktion und Bedeutung internationaler Strafprozesse“, in Nach Krieg, Gewalt und Repression: Der schwierige Umgang mit der Vergangenheit, edited by Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Thomas Kater, Baden-Baden 2010; Eroberungen: Sexuelle Gewalttaten und intime Beziehungen deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion 1941-1945; (edited with Insa Eschebach) Krieg und Geschlecht. Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex- Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern, Berlin: Metropol, 2008.

Gaby Zipfel
Editor Mittelweg 36
Hamburg Institute for Social Research
Mittelweg 36
20148 Hamburg
Phone +49 (0)40 4140 970
Gaby Zipfel, Editor of Mittelweg 36, the journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research since 1992. She initiated the Working Group on Gender and War at the Institute and is also co-founder and editor of the online journal Eurozine ( Selected publications: “Ausnahmezustand Krieg? Anmerkungen zu soldatischer Männlichkeit, sexueller Gewalt und militärischer Einhegung“, in Krieg und Geschlecht. Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in Konzentrationslagern, edited by Insa Eschebach und Regina Mühlhäuser, Berlin: Metropol-Verlag, 2008; “Schlachtfeld Frauenkörper”, in Massenhaftes Töten. Kriege und Genozide im 20. Jahrhundert, edited by Peter Gleichmann and Thomas Kühne, Essen: Klartext, 2004; “‘Blood, sperm and tears’. Sexuelle Gewalt in Kriegen”. Mittelweg 36 10:5 (2001): 3-20.