Documentary Release + Workshops + Roundtables

Minha Voz Não Pode Calar

29 June, 16h00-18h00 | 1 July, 19h00-22h00 | 2 July, 16h00-22h00 || 2023

29 JUN and 1 JUL - Espaço Pendão em Movimento (Queluz) | 2 JUL - Associação Cavaleiros de São Brás (Casal da Boba - Amadora)


Launching of the documentary Minha voz não pode calar (director: Júlio César Sanches; producers: Danielle Araújo and Silvia Rodríguez Maeso), produced under the POLITICS project, with a Workshop and Roundtables. Event organised in partnership with the association Espaço Pendão em Movimento (Queluz, Sintra) and the Association Cavaleiros de São Brás (Casal da Boba, Amadora).

Synopsis | The documentary Minha voz não pode calar addresses the transnational connections of the demands for racial justice in four contexts: Brazil, Peru, Spain and Portugal. Based on the trajectories of people committed to the struggle against racism, the documentary presents the challenges and the paths experienced by the black/afrodescendant and Romani movements that have forged new horizons of struggle. New conceptions of existence are presented and discussed that go far beyond the solutions offered by the states in recent decades, and focused on the “inclusion of diversity”, on “integration” or on “community policing” policies. An account of pain, mourning and struggle that offers us the possibility to understand how the movements of the black/afrodescendant and Roma people have acted in various spheres of knowledge production and denunciation, namely of genocide as one of the central elements to understand the nature of violence against these populations and its manifestations in specific contexts, beyond the borders of the Nation-State. With autonomy as a claim and resistance as a daily practice, the struggle trajectories of these people invite us to reflect on new forms of political action, but, above all, on possibilities of existence. [Documentary Teaser]

29/6 (Thursday): Music workshop: coloniality and culture
Mediation: Danielle Araújo
Venue: Associação Pendão em Movimento-PEM (Queluz)
Schedule: 16h-18h

Day 1/7 (Saturday): Launch of the documentary “Minha voz não pode calar”.
Guests: Oscar Fernández Villanueva aka Bloodnigga (rapper, Callao, Peru), Mônica Cunha (activist, founder of the Moleque movement, PSOL Councillor - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Alice Santos (mother of Danijoy, young man killed in Lisbon Penitentiary, Portugal), Sinho Baessa de Pina (Vice-president of the Association Cavaleiros de São Brás, Amadora, Portugal), Anabela Rodrigues (militant, member of the group GTO-LX, Lisbon, Portugal), Piménio Ferreira (militant, Roma movement, member of SOS Racism, Portugal), Malick Gueye (militant, representative of the Union of Street Vendors of Madrid, Spain).
Venue: Associação Pendão em Movimento (PEM, Queluz)
Schedule: 19h-22h

Day 2/7 (Sunday): Presentation of the documentary “Minha voz não pode calar”+ Roundtable “Hip-Hop and black communities”.
Guests: Oscar Fernández Villanueva aka Bloodnigga (rapper, Callao, Peru) and Sinho Baessa de Pina (Vice President of the Association Cavaleiros de São Brás, Amadora, Portugal).
Venue: Associação Cavaleiros de São Brás (Casal da Boba, Amadora)
Schedule: 16h-22h

Activities within the project POLITICS - The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under Horizon 2020 - the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation [ref. 725402]