Seminar | IPHinLAW
Femicide and law(s): dialogues between Portugal and Brazil
Fabiana Severi
Maria José Magalhães
March 2, 2022, 17h00 (GMT)
Online event
Moderator: Madalena Duarte (FEUC/CES)
This seminar is part of a series of seminars organised within the IPHinLAW research project - Intimate partner homicide: challenges to the law, which seeks to critically think about law in its relation to gender, sexuality and violence against women.
This seminar reflects on the reality of feminicide, from a critical look at the legal and judicial responses given by law. To this end, two empirical contexts are analysed, Portugal and Brazil, which have two different legal frameworks. Unlike Portugal, Brazil has, since 2015, its own legislation on the crime of feminicide. What are the advantages of this framework? What obstacles persist? What are the common problems between the two realities and what can we learn from them? These are some of the questions we will try to debate in this seminar.
Fabiana Severi | Professor at the Department of Public Law of the Law School of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (USP) and at the Master's Degree Programme of the same institution. Lecturer in Human Rights at the FDRP-USP (2017). She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2000), a Master's Degree in Law from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2003) and a PhD in Psychology from the University of São Paulo (2010). She is responsible for the subjects of Law and Gender Relations, General Theory of the State, Human Rights and Constitutional Law. She conducts research and outreach activities related to the themes: feminist legal criticism, access to justice for women and democratic theories. Leader of the Research Group on Human Rights, Democracy and Inequalities at USP. Participant of the Maria da Penha Law Consortium for the end of gender-based violence against women. Member of the Research Group nPeriferias, of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) at USP.
Maria José Magalhães | Assistant Professor at FPCEUP, researcher at CIEG and CIIE, Ph. She was awarded the Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos Research Prize on Women's Studies (1990), and has several scientific publications (books and articles in national and international journals). Her main areas of research focus on gender studies, feminism, social movements and gender violence (including femicide/feminicide). She led the international project "Bystanders: developing bystanders responses to sexual harassment among young people" (funded by the European Union). She was Principal Investigator of the International Project CEINAV (2013-2016), member European Observatory on Femicide (2018-) and founder and scientific coordinator of the Observatory of Murdered Women of UMAR, OMA-UMAR (2004-2010; 2019-21). Currently, she coordinates the following projects: i) Project BO(U)NDS - longitudinal study on the prevention of gender violence in schools (funded by FCT); ii) the ART'THEMIS+ UMAR Project, with funding from the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Gender Equality; iii) FEM_United international project: Preventing femicide in Europe (funded by the European Union); and iv) ATHENA Project - Protection from abuse to victims with intellectual disabilities (funded by the European Union). She has also developed, together with other researchers, research in the field of feminist art criticism, including projects and published articles.
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