Book presentation

«O Projeto de D. João V: Lisboa Ocidental, Mafra e o Urbanismo Cenográfico de Filippo Juvarra» by Giuseppina Raggi

June 15, 2021, 18h00

Auditorium - MNAA National Museum of Ancient Art (Lisbon)

The book will be presented by Rui Lobo (DARQ/CES)

A frustrated trip and the new Lisbon that is born.  A two-year journey across Europe, visiting Spain, France, Holland, England, Germany, Austria and the main Italian cities: Venice, Naples, Rome, Florence, Turin...

A project about Western Lisbon that condenses all the aims of this desired (and frustrated) journey of the young King João V. The ambition to renew culture, hire artists and craftsmen, to become acquainted with the novelties and magnificence of other courts and republics, Catholic or Protestant, so that the kingdom of Portugal could build the grandest of European capitals.

A journey made with new eyes through the reign of King João V and Queen Maria Ana of Austria, which shows a diverse history of 18th century Lisbon, the palace and convent of Mafra, the opera theatres, the arts and culture that enlivened the Joanine effervescence (1707-1728). And, in the course of this journey, the common encounter of the main European architects of the time - Filippo Juvarra (Messina 1678 - Madrid 1736) - and with the magic of his drawings, which reveal the strength of ideas and the power of projects beyond the time in which they are outlined.


About the author 

Giuseppina Raggi, Italian art historian, PhD in History - Art History (2005) from the Universities of Lisbon (Portugal) and Bologna (Italy) on the "quadratura" painting in the Atlantic space (17th-18th centuries). She is permanent researcher at CES and integrates the CES-CCArq research group. She leads the project «Early-modern art and architecture. Atlantic slave trade and cross-cultural dynamics. The case of African Portugal between heritage and politics of recognition» (2019-2025), rated first in its category of CEEIND 2017 by FCT. She co-coordinates the project «1719-2019. Filippo Juvarra, Domenico Scarlatti and the role of women in promoting opera and theater in Portugal» funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2019 and she is research member of the WP4 team of the European project «ECHOES European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities» (H2020). Her research topics focus mainly on the 18th century arts and architecture, highlighting in particular the interconnection between architecture, stage design and music; the artistic patronage of African and Afro-descendant communities in Portugal; the role of women in promoting the operatic music and theatres in Portugal; the urban and architectural plan of Lisbon by the architect Filippo Juvarra. As instrument for the dissemination of scientific knowledge, she collaborates with scriptwriters and directors to create videos and docufilms, taking care of the scientific contents.