Research Topics
Research on climate change, proposing the development of alternative sustainable forms of production and consumption, and mitigating its impacts on physical and/or mental health and illness. Promoting and supporting the role of patients, families and communities in care and healing.
Risk(s), resilience(s), vulnerability(ies) and collective action
Interdisciplinary research on social vulnerabilities and inequalities of people, families, communities and territories and intervention proposals in sensitive contexts. Analysis of the formal and informal ways in which people, families and society organize themselves to define coping strategies and social protection structures. E.g. projects: RESILIENT (Gerda Henkel Foundation), Teaching the History of Enslavement and Race in the Colony-Metropole Nexus (Spencer Foundation, US).
Science, technology and social transformations
Research in social studies of science and technology focusing on science policies, uses of technology by experts and citizens. Coproduction of science and technology in its relationship with vulnerable and/or excluded groups, in situations of inequality and limited citizenship rights. E.g. projects: CLINIC; INSIDE (both CEEC, FCT)