Research Topics

  1. Ecologies, climate adaptation and the Anthropocene
    Research on climate change from situations of environmental risk, proposing sustainable and ecological alternatives for production and consumption, with a view to building sustainable and healthy territories in the transition to post-carbon societies.
    Keywords: environmental risk; sustainability, ecological and environmental justice; social movements; post-carbon societies; resistance and counter-hegemonic perspectives
  1. Risk, inequalities, vulnerabilities and family and community dynamics
    Interdisciplinary research on policies and governance, precautionary approaches to known dangers or threats and emergency preparedness, disasters and experiences of risk assessment, management and preparedness; vulnerabilities and social inequalities (race, ethnicity, gender, North/South, etc.) of communities and territories and proposals for interventions in sensitive contexts.
    Keywords: psychosocial risks; emergencies; vulnerabilities; inequalities; family and community dynamics; citizenship rights
  1. Ecological and social conception of health/disease, attentive to global and local North/South dimensions
    Design and evaluation of interventions in health, health care, mental health and illness, promoting and supporting the role of patients, families and communities in care and healing. Attending to different experiences, voices and narratives, promoting creative agency and resistance to diverse forms of domination.
    Keywords: health; illness; patient/user groups; ethics and care practices; social welfare; voices and narratives
  1. Science, technology and innovation
    Research in social studies of science and technology with a focus on science policies, uses of technology by experts and citizens and ecology of knowledges.
    Keywords: innovation, science, technology; (bio)surveillance; social control; human/nonhuman; biocitizenship; biosciences
  1. Resilience, social inclusion, citizenship and collective action
    Analysis of the formal and informal ways in which individuals, families and society organise themselves in order to define coping strategies and social protection structures.
    Keywords: coping strategies; social protection; decolonial approaches; social emancipation; common, communal and indigenous areas; citizenship practices
  1. Governance and public policies
    Forms of public participation in the planning and evaluation of public policies and their intervention. Plural approaches to psychosocial risks and vulnerabilities focusing on family dynamics, citizenship rights and promotion of public policies to combat exclusion and inequalities and promote social inclusion.
    Keywords: participation; planning; intervention; co-production of policies; collaborative research; socio-political transformations