Dias, João Paulo; Marina, Henriques; Barros, Diana (2025), (Coord.s) Report on the National Seminars on the Use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Rome: Fondazioni Giacomo Brodolini, 1-78
Barros, Diana; Heriques, Marina; Dias, João Paulo (2025), Portugal National Seminar on the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Rome: Fondazioni Giacomo Brodolini, 54-59
Nolasco, Carlos; Barros, Diana; Dias, João Paulo (2025), Civic space in the EU: Mapping of national approaches to civic space monitoring, participation and protection - Portugal, Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 1-18
Dias, João Paulo; Gomes, Conceição; Henriques, Marina; Fernando, Paula; Barros, Diana; Cid Teles, Madalena (2025), Digitalisation of Justice: Fundamental Rights Guidance - Portugal, Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 1-122
Barros, Diana; Henriques, Marina (2025), Political participation and equality in elections, Viena: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)
Barros, Diana; Dias, João Paulo (2025), National implementation of Regulation (EU)2021/784 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online, Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 1-11
Santos, Ana Cristina (orgs.) (2025), A Research Agenda for Sexuality and Aging. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Special Issue
Cruz, Manuel João; Gianolla, Cristiano; Indelicato, Maria Elena; Mónico, Lisete (2025), "The Hydra Head of the Far Right and Populism: Emotional Narratives, Discursive Strategies, and Communication Styles" thematic number of "Journal of Intercultural Studies"