ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Our timeline

Since 2008, ECOSOL-CES has followed a trajectory in terms of study and discussion on Solidarity Economy. Over recent years, Portugal has been perceived as providing a privileged space for potentially counter-hegemonic experiments, though these have been largely silenced by the hegemonic discourse of national growth and development. The attempt to recover these attempts at reciprocity and associativism through the equitable and non-hierarchical amassing of various kinds of knowledge (urban, rural and ‘grassroots’) offers an unprecedented opportunity to rethink Portugal as a space for occult sociabilities, parallel economic rationalities and alternative experiments. Follow below our timeline.


2008: Ecosol study group is created.

2008-2009: First publications and participation of its members in seminars

2011: International Colloquium “Solidarity Economy: a seed for the future”. Opening conference by Jean-Louis Laville.

2011: The book "Solidarity Economy: theoretical and epistemological issues", edited by Pedro Hespanha and Aline Mendonça dos Santos, is published.

2012: The first "Round of Dialogue" concerning common aspects between Solidarity Economy and Indigenous Economies has happened.

2014: Ecosol/CES takes part in the “International Colloquium Epistemologies of the South”, organised by Alice Project.

2014: A thematic dossier on Solidarity Economy is organised by Ecosol-CES for the academic journal "Otra Economía - Latin American Journal on Social and Solidarity Economy".

2015: Members of Ecosol-CES takes part in the “5th. International Research Conference on Social Enterprise”, organised by EMES in Finland.

2016: Members of Ecosol-CES takes part in the "2nd. International Polanyi Seminar", organised by EMES in France.

2016: The seminar "The multiple faces of Solidarity Economy in Portugal: a debate grounded on the initiatives in the field" is organised by Ecosol/CES in partnership with RedPes.

2016: The paper "The name and the thing. The lack of institutional recognition concerning Solidarity Economy in Portugal", written by Pedro Hespanha and Luciane Lucas dos Santos, is published in a thematic dossier in the Journal of ACEESA.

2017: Participation of members of Ecosol/CES in chapters of the book "Solidarity and Collective Action: trajectories and experiences". The book was co-organised by Aline Mendonça dos Santos, member of Ecosol-CES.

2017: First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy, organised by ECOSOL-CES in partnership with ISCTE-IUL. Portuguese Network of Solidarity Economy (RedPes), ACEESA, EMES Network and Collège d’Etudes Mondiales de Paris.

2018: Members of Ecosol-CES take part in the "3nd. International Polanyi Seminar", organised by EMES in Denmark.

2018: Summit Meeting "Building together the Solidarity Economy" - Commemorating 10 years of the Ecosol/CES Group.

2018: Ecosol-CES' members take part in the "International Conference Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons", organised by ISCTE-IUL. Presentation of Jean Louis Laville's book "Social and Solidarity Economy" by Pedro Hespanha.

2019: Ecosol-CES' members take part in the organisation and in chapters of the book "Theory of Social Enterprise and Pluralism: solidarity economy, social movements, and Global South", edited by Routledge