ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar #19 | «Deconfined Talks»

Media representations, othering and securitisation during the pandemic

Ana Cristina Pereira

Gaia Giuliani

Rita Santos

Sílvia Roque

November 10, 2020, 16h00 (GMT)

Online event

Interventions within the project (DE)OTHERING | Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and 'internal Others' in Portuguese and European mediascapes (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997)

Nineteenth session of the «Deconfined Talks» seminar series. The drastic reduction of social interaction generated by the current pandemic has reinforced the crucial role of the media in the interpretation and production of realities, stage of dispute of narratives of sanitary, punitive, and securitarian nature among others. This talk intends to discuss some of these narratives and their impacts, underlining two particularly relevant aspects: on the one hand, the production of "dangerous" alterities, through representations of certain groups as origin and disseminators of the virus; on the other hand, the frequent use of expressions that refer to an analogy between the pandemic and the war, through which the "invisible enemy" is often replaced by "visible" enemies, thus designated due to their contamination potential. 

The open access «Deconfined Talks» seminars focus on the pandemic, its implications on the multiple dimensions that concern the CES community, among others topics currently worth discussing


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Online Seminar Series

Deconfined Talks