ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar | ECOSOL-CES

The context of Solidarity Economy Technological Incubators in Brazil

Felipe Addor (Soltec/Nides/UFRJ)

May 7, 2019, 16h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


The National Cooperative Incubators Support Programme (Proninc) was one of the main public policies to strengthen Solidarity Economy developed by the extinct National Secretariat of Solidarity Economy (SENAES) in Brazil. Based on the institutional evaluation of Proninc, held in 2017, the current context of the Technological Incubators for Solidarity Economy in the country is discussed, highlighting its achievements and challenges in an adverse context.

Bio note

Felipe Addor holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Production Engineering (Coppe/UFRJ) and a doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning (Ippur/UFRJ). He has been an outreach-researcher at Soltec/UFRJ since 2003 and is currently General Director of the Interdisciplinary Group for Social Development (Nides/UFRJ). He is a lecturer in the Postgraduate Programme in Technology for Social Development. He is the organizer of the book Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Social e Solidário (UFRGS Publishing House, 2005; reprint 2011); of the trilogy Pesquisa, Ação e Tecnologia (Editora UFRJ, 2015); and the two volumes Incubadoras Tecnológias de Economia Solidária (Editora UFRJ, 2018). Author of the book Teoria Democrática e Poder Popular na América Latina (Insular Publishing House, 2016). He works mainly in Solidarity Economy, Business Consulting, Management and Production in Agrarian Reform settlements, Public Policies, Participative Democracy, Participatory Methodologies and Outreach.