ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


Local Initiatives for changing and transforming territories

September 17, 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Este seminário, numa parceria entre a Casa da Esquina e o Grupo Ecosol/CES, destina-se à reflexão sobre as "Iniciativas Locais de Mudança". Este conceito, no contexto português, traz consigo uma ideia, que é a de ser uma prática em interação com as vidas das pessoas nos locais. Fazem parte destas iniciativas associações e/ou grupos informais que insistem em pensar e fazer a transformação em seus territórios. Estas  alternativas têm nomes e cumplicidades: Casa da Esquina, Coolabora, Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira, Fundação Fé e Cooperação, Rede Inducar, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria e ANIMAR. O ponto de partida deste seminário é um documentário, resultado de um  trabalho que durante alguns meses acompanhou as chamadas "Iniciativas Locais de Mudança (ILM)", tentando descortinar os fatores que animam seus projetos e as mais-valias que deles decorrem.

This seminar, a joint partnership between Casa da Esquina and the Ecosol/CES Group, intends to reflect on  "Local Initiatives of Change". This concept, in the Portuguese context, bears the idea of being a practice in interaction with the lives of people in territories. These initiatives include associations and/or informal groups that insist on thinking and making transformation in their territories. These alternatives have names and complicities: Casa da Esquina, Coolabora, Gonçalo da Silveira Foundation, Faith and Cooperation Foundation, Inducar Network, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria and ANIMAR. The starting point of this seminar is a documentary, the result of a work that for a few months accompanied the so-called "Local Initiatives of Change (ILM)", trying to uncover the factors that inspire their projects and the added value that comes from them.


- Documentary Screening

- Roundtable with Filipa Alves (Casa da Esquina), Jorge Cardoso (Gonçalo da Silveira Foundation), Graça Rojão (Coolabora) and  Marco Paulo Tavares Sousa Domingues (Animar/EcoGerminar)

Mediator: José João Rodrigues (Redes Colaborativas do Mondego)

Comments: Luciane Lucas dos Santos (Ecosol-CES)


Bio notes

Graça Rojão has participated in local initiatives for over 25 years. She is the director and co-founder of COOLABORA, a social intervention cooperative. She has a degree in Sociology and currently, under her PhD Programme in Sociology of the University of Beira Interior, develops research on alternative local initiatives in low density contexts.

Filipa Alves holds a degree in Portuguese Studies and a postgraduate degree in “Social Economy - Cooperativism, Mutualism and Solidarity” from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC/UC), having also attended the Master in Feminist Studies. She coordinates,  with Sandra Alves, Casa da Esquina, a cultural association that creates reflection and debate dynamics on different themes and seeks transdisciplinarity in the field of arts.

Jorge Cardoso coordinates the area of ​​Global Citizenship and Development of the Gonçalo da Silveira Foundation. He is a member of the Rede Inducar cooperative - an organisation for the promotion of non-formal education and social integration. He is also a member of the Training Committee of the High Commissioner for Migration. He is a trainer in the following subjects: Intercultural Education, Development, Global Citizenship, Immigration and Interreligious Dialogue.

José João Rodrigues is a socio-cultural animator, activist and promoter of the Figueira da Foz Salt House Project, which creates products and services related to saliniculture. He organised and today runs the Baixo Mondego Collaborative Local Production Networks.

Marco Paulo Tavares Sousa Domingues is president of Animar - Portuguese Association for Local Development and leader of EcoGerminar

Support: Animar - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local