ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar | ECOSOL-CES

Short agri-food circuits, another way to feed ourselves: the case of AMAP in Portugal

Eber Quiñonez

Sara Moreira

April 29, 2019, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


This seminar addresses the short agrifood circuits and traditional agricultural systems, visiting concepts such as family agriculture. We intend to show other forms of agri-food production and consumption that not only promote healthy products but also, and above all, make it possible to think beyond the industrialized food system imposed by the uniform vision of the capitalist system. From the AMAP case, we debate the construction of relations of proximity and reciprocity, as well as the dynamics of groups that stimulate other forms of production-consumption, ecologically and socially committed.

Bio Notes

Sara Moreira - PhD candidate in Information and Knowledge Society at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (IN3/UOC), and at the Sociology Institute of the University of Porto (ISUP). Her research focuses on communication strategies for community-based initiatives within the framework of commons and "other economies" in Portugal and Catalonia. She actively participates in Associação pela Manutenção da Agricultura de Proximidade do Porto (AMAP) and is part of the team of the newly created Portuguese Network of Agroecology Solidarity - REGENERAR. She also collaborates in the programme O SOM É A ENXADA in the community radio Manobras, since 2015.

Eber Quiñonez - Master in Sociology and PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). Graduated in Social Psychology at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Member of the Study Group on Solidarity Economy at the Centre for Social Studies (ECOSOL-CES), University of Coimbra. His research interests focus on the areas of small-scale agricultural production, family farming, and solidarity economy. Currently, he develops research in the area of agri-food ​​short circuits marketing for the Portuguese case.

Activity within ECOSOL-CES