ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


Solidarity Economy and the role in the context of the University Outreach: the case CIEPS - Centre of Incubation of Popular and Solidarity Enterprises of the University

Maria Raquel Caixeta Gandolfi

Peterson Elizandro Gandolfi

January 18, 2019, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


This seminar will present and debate the proposal of CIEPS - Center for Incubation of Popular Solidarity Economy of the Federal University of Uberlândia as a way to promote Popular and Solidarity Economy, including in labour and income generation projects within the principles of Solidarity Economy. The objective is also to present a brief history of 15 years of solidarity economy in the context of university outreach at UFU, work methodology and presentation of cases on the themes: pickers/recyclers, women artisans, family and peasant agriculture, quilombolas, among others.

Bio notes

Maria Raquel Caixeta Gandolfi holds a PhD in Economics from UFU (2016). She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business at the Federal University of Uberlândia. She is currently a visiting researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. At Campus Patos de Minas, she is the coordinator of CIEPS/Pathos. Has experience in the area of Labour Economics and Solidarity Economy with research in the areas of labour, employment, quality of employment and solidarity economy.

Peterson Elizandro Gandolfi holds a PhD in Administration from FGV (2013). He is a professor of the Graduate Programme in Organizational Management, Professional Master of the Faculty of Management and Business and visiting researcher of the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. At Patos de Minas Campus, he is coordinator of CIEPS/Pathos.
Has experience in university outreach and solidarity economy, health management, third sector management and data analysis processes for decision making.

Activity under ECOSOL-CES