ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar | ECOSOL-CES

Collective Action, Common Goods and Economic Democracy: analysing solidarity finance experiences 

Leonardo Leal (Universidade Federal de Alagoas)

June 1, 2018, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Since the end of the twentieth century, there has been a strong emergence of studies and concepts around collective action organisations, distinct from the mercantile sector and the public sector, among them, social and solidarity economy organisations, cities in transition, shared goods and services, social and ethical banks, social currencies, etc. The emergencies of these initiatives are related to the process of establishing networks of solidarity between workers, those marginalised from the market and groups of citizens, who seek to organise social, economic and cultural activities and thus subjecting them to democratic political participation against the capitalist order and the business State.

This exhibition invites us to establish a dialogue between the notion of common goods, public spaces of proximity and solidarity finance, highlighting the experience of community banks and social currencies in Brazil. It intends to demonstrate how these solidarity finance practices constitute an emblematic political modality of common resource governance.

The angles explored in this exposition consist of a comparative analysis between different contexts and experiences, addressing issues related to collective action in the financial system, factors that influence the emergence, structure and continuity of these organisations, as well as the type of knowledge involved, and forms of institutionalization, integration strategies and institutional performance.

Bio note

Leonardo Leal is a Professor of Public Administration at the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL. Coordinator of the Technological Incubator for Solidarity Economy - ITES/UFAL. He develops research and technological development projects on the following subjects: Common Goods, Solidarity Economy and Social Management.