ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


Solidary Economy and Education: Institutions of Higher Education as spaces for the promotion of Social Responsibility

Jean Carlos Machado Alves (Doutorando Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF/Niteroi-RJ)

December 11, 2017, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Social Responsibility presents itself as a response to the social context in which people and organisations are included. The Institutions of Higher Education-IES have several roles regarding accountability, since they are not limited to the training of technically qualified professionals, but also of more humanised professionals, besides directly and indirectly influencing the communities in which they comprise. And, among initiatives for promotion and social development, Solidary Economy presents itself as an alternative to inclusion, social and productive promotion of people who are in some way marginalised in society. Thus, Institutions of Higher Education can contribute towards the promotion of the professional and human qualification of future professionals through Solidary Economy.

Bio note

Jean Carlos Machado Alves: Ph.D. Candidate in Sustainable Management Systems at Fluminense Federal University-UFF/ Niteroi-RJ, under supervision of Letícia Helena Medeiros Veloso and Emmanuel Paiva de Andrade. MA in Production Engineering (UFSM) and BA in Administration (UFSJ). Currently conducting a PhD internship at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (CES/UC), as a Scholarship holder of the PHD Exchange Programme (PDSE/ CAPES) under supervision of Professor Pedro Hespanha. He is a professor in the Department of Production Engineering of the Federal University of Ouro Preto-UFOP in João Monlevade/MG and a member of the Solidary Economy Outreach Laboratory - UFOP Social and Solidary Enterprises Incubator. He was coordinator of the Network of Technological Incubators of Popular Cooperatives-ITCPs. He has experience in the area of Administration and Production mainly researching topics such as: Socio-environmental Management, Sustainability Engineering, Solidary Economy, Third Sector, Networks, Entrepreneurship, Production and Quality