ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


Solidarity Economy and the Crisis in Southern European Countries 

September 8, 2017, 9h00

Municipality of Lisbon Auditorium, Picoas Plaza, Lisbon

In countries that have suffered most severely from the effects of the crisis and austerity policies, notably those in southern Europe, there has been a resurgence or creation of innumerable initiatives that may well be classified as solidarity economy. This table aims to deepen the relationship between crisis and solidarity economy by comparing a set of situations in which these initiatives flourished (unemployment, loss of income, cuts in rights and social services, etc.). The challenge is to identify critical aspects and opportunities to begin designing strategies that favour the consolidation of these realities.

This roundtable is held under the First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy: Is it possible to foster a common agenda for Solidarity Economy in Europe? organised by the Centre for Social Studies.

This roundtable will be followed by the launching of the SIRESI International Platform - Solidarity Economy, Reciprocity and Social Innovation

Bio notes:

Jordi Estivil is Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at the University of Barcelona and a former Director of the Office of Social Studies of Barcelona (1984-2002). Coordinator of numerous research projects and author of numerous publications, he is the director of the editorial line Politicas Europeas of HACER. He is a specialist in social policies and Solidary Economy, having been a founding member of the Catalonian Network for Solidarity Economy and an international adviser to the Poverty and Social Exclusion Observatories of Catalonia, Budapest,, and Lisbon. Being a visiting professor at several universities, he was awarded the prize for the best professional trajectory in the social field conferred by the government of Catalonia (2010).

Evangelos Angelou Afendras é doutorado em Ciências Humanas - Linguística, pela Univ. Johns Hopkins, EUA, 1968 e posdoutorado  em Geografia Humana e Antropologia pelo Social Science Research Council, EUA. Tem ensinado e pesquisado nas áreas de linguagem infantil e desenvolvimento comunicativo, linguagem na sociedade, psicologia da linguagem, bilinguismo, empreendedorismo, gestão, linguagem e comunicação, etc. (na Índia, Tailândia, Vietname, Omã, Malásia, Hong Kong, Grécia, Austrália, Singapura, Canadá-Quebec, América do Sul, EUA e Alemanha). Na sua vida profissional tem usado a sua experiência em áreas como assistência educativa para adultos e crianças refugiadas, e para o desenvolvimento sustentável e a redução da pobreza.
Maria de Fátima Ferreiro é Professora no ISCTE-IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa),  licenciada em Sociologia (ISCTE) e doutoramento em Economia (ISCTE). Docência nas áreas da História das Ideias Económicas, Economia Social e Solidária e Economia do Território. Membro da Comissão Científica do Departamento de Economia Política. Desenvolve um projeto de investigação sobre Áreas Metropolitanas perante os desafios da sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento de cenários para a AML.

The moderators will be  Eber Quiñonez and Andres Spognardi, both ECOSOL CES researchers.