ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Film Session | ParaDocma

Struggles against extractivism, from the Amazon and the Andes to Portugal

July 11, 2022, 17h30

Casa do Cinema de Coimbra


We will host a screening of the films Já me Transformei em Imagem (Brasil, 2008) by Zezinho Yube, Children of the Jaguar (Ecuador, 2013) by Eriberto Gualinga, and Tejiendo las Redes del Agua (Colombia, 2011), by Rafael Enrique Álvarez, followed by a discussion of the current situation of indigenous struggles against extractivism in the Amazon and the Andes, as well as the parallels between the struggles in these territories and in Portugal. 

Já me Transformei em Imagem (32 min, 2008)
Screenplay: Zezinho Yube
Photography: Mari Corrêa, Tadeu Siã, Vincent Carelli and Zezinho Yube
Montage: Zezinho Yube and Ernesto Ignacio de Carvalho
Production: Vídeo nas Aldeias

Children of the Jaguar (28'46 min, 2012)
Screenplay: Eriberto Gualinga and Amnesty International
Photography: Eriberto Gualinga, Rosie Khun, Pavel Quevedo, Sergio Sojo Granados and Sergio Sojo Álvarez
Sound: Eriberto Gualinga, Rosie Khun, Pavel Quevedo, Sergio Sojo Granados and Sergio Sojo Álvarez
Production: Eriberto Gualinga, Mariano Machain, David Whitbourn

Tejiendo las Redes del Agua (12 min, 2011) Edition: Rafael Enrique Álvarez Domenech Camera: Rafael Enrique Álvarez Domenech Screenplay: Danilo Urrea Soundbytes: Cumbia Bass Beats Production: Censat Agua Viva – Amigos de la Tierra Photography: Gert Steensens- Esperanza Próxima Illustration: Angie Vanessita Sound in off: Olmedo Tapias

The three films are in Portuguese and Spanish with English subtitles. The debate will be in English with whisper translation in Portuguese/Spanish for those who need it.  

The event is part of the ParaDocma - Viver melhor [a cidade], é preciso! Viver melhor [a cidade], é preciso! (4th edition) 2021/2022, and of the CES Summer School “The Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice”, with the support of the research project ECO - “Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin”

* The CES Summer School “The Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice” (July 11-16) is organized by the Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC, CES-UC), in co-organization with the COST Action " Decolonizing Development " (DECOLDEV), and with the support of the H2020 projects "Just transition to the Circular Economy" (JUST2CE); "The Rise of Citizens Voices for a Greener Europe" (PHOENIX); "Pr. Claus Chair in Equity and Development 2019-2021" from the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University.

* ParaDocma is an initiative organised by Casa da Esquina, the Coimbra em Transição (CeT) Association, Cine Eco Seia and the Ecology and Society Workshop of the Centre for Social Studies/UC (ECOSOC, CES-UC) with other local organisations.

* ECO | Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin (2022-2026) (GA 101002359) is an ERC Consolidator Grant led by Patricia Vieria. It seeks to resort to Amazonian thought and ecocriticism to assess how human cultural productions about Amazonia lend a voice to animals and plants.


Introduction to the session (10 min) by Patrícia Vieira (CES)
Film Screening (1 hour) Já me Transformei em Imagem (32 min) and Children of the Jaguar (28 min)
Comments (20 min) by Ruth AriasCarla Gomes and Tatiana Roa Avendaño
Public debate (30 min) moderated by Paola Minoia 

Bio Notes

Patrícia Vieira is FCT Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra in the NHUMEP research group. Dr. Vieira's research focuses on Latin American and Iberian Literature and Cinema, Environmental Humanities and Ecocriticism, Post-Colonial Studies and Literary Theory. She has a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Harvard University. She teaches as full professor at Georgetown University.

Ruth Arias-Gutiérrez is a militant woman, Andean- Amazonian, worker for biodiversity, equity and the exercise of rights and responsibilities, and Professor of Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Estatal Amazónica in Puyo, Ecuador. She has participated as a member of the environmental management network of the Ecuadorian Amazon with indigenous knowledge; the Earth of the Future International Network; the working group of indigenous peoples of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies - ACELAC; and Latin American Studies Association -LASA: She is also part of the COST Action Decolonizing Development. 

Carla Gomes is part of the Associação Unidos Covas do Barroso, a small village under threat of a massive Lithium mining project. I was born and raised there and, even though I don’t live there anymore, I still return frequently. I’m a big data analyst by trade, a feminist by necessity, and a volunteer in refugee integration by choice.

Paola Minoia is an Associate Professor at the Universities of Turin and Helsinki. Her interests intersect the fields of political ecology, human geography and global development studies with a focus on territoriality, state- and minoritized groups relations, socio-environmental justice, eco-cultural knowledges and the pluriverse. She is involved in the project Ecocultural pluralism in the Ecuadorian Amazonia (funded by the Academy of Finland) and the EU/COST Network Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice.

Tatiana Roa Avendaño is an environmentalist, educator and researcher of Censat Agua Viva- Colombia. She is a PhD candidate in political ecology at the Center for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) – University of Amsterdam. She has written numerous articles and books on extractivism, water justice and energy sovereignty. As an activist she is part of Oilwatch, the Alianza Libre de Fracking and Mesa Social Minero Energética. She has also converged with diverse research groups such as Alianza por la Justicia Hídrica, and the CLACSO Working Groups “Ecología Política Abya-Yala”, and “Territorialidades en Disputa y R-existencia”.