Seminar | CC.Edu

Citizen science in formal and informal education: promoting practises, attitudes, and knowledge for pollinator conservation in Brazil 

Fabiana Oliveira da Silva (Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus do Sertão)

September 16, 2024, 14h00 (GMT+1)

CES | Alta + Online

Universities play a crucial role in acquiring and disseminating knowledge, especially scientific knowledge, which is important in tackling contemporary environmental threats and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Citizen science projects, actions, and interventions can be useful in education, helping to build bridges between scientific knowledge and society by promoting the engagement needed to tackle environmental threats.

In order to integrate scientific knowledge into educational practice, this knowledge needs to be translated into a didactic form, through the process of didactic transposition. Citizen science can contribute to this process by translating scientific knowledge into teaching practice. In addition, the principles and values of citizen science are aligned with the purposes of transformative learning, defended by Paulo Freire, which emphasises the empowerment of the individual to critically analyse and promote social change.

In this presentation, we will discuss the potential of citizen science in education and how it can help expand scientific knowledge and the practice of the scientific method, pointing to possible ways of applying it in education.  As an example, we will mention the citizen science actions developed by the Pollinator Management and Conservation Research Network (POLINFRUT), focusing on the project Guardiões da Biodiversidade [Guardians of Biodiversity], which aims to monitor interactions between pollinators and plants in Brazil, in formal and non-formal education.

Moderator: Rita Campos (CES)

Activity organised by the CC.EDU - Working Group on Citizen Science and Education 


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