Lecture| Doctoral Programme «Territory, Risk and Public Policies»

The National Programme for Territorial Planning Policy (PNPOT) and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Teresa Sá Marques (FLUP/CEGOT)

October 29, 2021, 15h30 (GMT+1)

Amphitheatre 2.1, Faculty of Economics - UC + Zoom

Link ZOOM> https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/82040200575?pwd=Q1hDRWFnTGJGN2R6TzU4YTJHR3diZz09
ID: 820 4020 0575 | Password: 353511


Discussion of the National Programme for Territorial Planning Policy's role in understanding the COVID-19  pandemic and differential impacts at the national level and challenges faced by planning. 

Bio note 

Teresa Sá Marques is a geographer with a PhD in Geography. Associate Professor at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto and Researcher at the Centre for Studies on Geography and Planning. Has developed research in areas such as Urban Systems, Networks and Governance, City Policies and Territorial Development. Scientific coordinator and expert of the National Programme for Territorial Planning Policy - PNPOT, facilitator of several Regional Land Management Plans, more recently is a member of the National Commission for Monitoring the Recovery and Resilience Plan - PRR.


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