Racism in Portuguese - the forgotten side of colonialism
Joana Gorjão Henriques (Jornal Público)
May 11, 2017, 14h30
Room 2, CES | Alta
Following over 100 interviews and reports in the five African countries colonised by Portugal, Racismo em Português - o lado esquecido do colonialismo reflects on the scars left in the occupied territories. Listening to the African version of recent colonial history, this is a reflection on how racism was used to dominate. It is the beginning of a conversation with those who are interested in having a critical view of colonialism.
Joana Gorjão Henriques was born in Lisbon in 1975. She is the author of the book "Racismo em Português – o lado esquecido do colonialismo", published by Tinta da China. She entered the Público newspaper at the end of 1999. For ten years she worked in the Culture Section and participated in the launch of the new cultural supplement Ípsilon. In 2009 she was awarded a one-year fellowship for journalists from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University and in 2010 began her studies in sociology at the London School of Economics in London. During these two years her academic research has focused on racial and ethnic relations. She writes for PÚBLICO covering various fields and is op-ed author for the English newspaper The Guardian and for the American site The Root. Her reporting has centred on human rights and discrimination. She participated in numerous debates on her book, in Portugal and abroad, and was invited to the conference on "New Directions in Lusophone Africa", University of Oxford, United Kingdom, in November 2016.
Organisers: CROME - Crossed Memories, Politics of Silence: The Colonial-Liberation Wars in Postcolonial Times and MEMOIRS - Children of Empires and European Postmemories (ERC projects)