Under the jailers' fierce look: in Portugal and the colonies, "PIDE investigated, monitored, instructed processes and managed prisons"
Dalila Cabrita Mateus
Irene Flunser Pimentel
October 28, 2011, 15h00
CES-Lisbon, Picoas Plaza, Rua do Viriato 13, Lj. 117/118
Speakers: Dalila Cabrita Mateus and Irene Flunser Pimentel
Screening of the film "Quem é Ricardo?" [2004, 35'] directed by José Barahona.
Summary: Repression and torture are subjects that everyone has heard about, but only a few Portuguese, fortunately, have felt it personally. It is exactly this whole process of arrest and torture of the political prisoner that is approached in this short-film, with Mário de Carvalho as screenwriter. “Quem é Ricardo?” shows ten days of torture by sleep deprivation during Marcelo Caetano's administration.
Short biographies of the speakers
Dalila Cabrita Mateus was born in Viana do Castelo in 1952. She holds an Undergraduate Degree in History, a Diploma in Higher Technical Specialization in School Administration, a Master's Degree on Contemporary Social History and a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History, specialization of Political and Institutional History in the Contemporary Period. She also participated in advanced training sessions and courses in the fields of Special Education and Intercultural Education. She is a researcher at the Centre of Portuguese Contemporary History Studies (ISCTE). She is present in national and international conferences and seminars on the issue of national liberation struggles. She is the author of the books A Luta pela Independência (Editorial Inquérito, 1969) and A PIDE-DGS na Guerra Colonial, 1961-1974 (Terramar, 2004).
Irene Flunser Pimentel won, in 2007, the Pessoa Award and holds a PhD in Contemporary History, with the doctoral thesis in PIDE/DGS, the State's political police, in 1945-1974. She completed her undergraduate degree in History at the Faculty of Letters of the Universidade Clássica de Lisboa in 1984, and her Master's degree in Contemporary History at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has published several paper in national and international journals and magazines about the Portuguese Estado Novo, the Second World War, German National Socialism and the Holocaust, among other subjects.
Organization:Maria Paula Meneses and Diana Andringa.
Note: event associated with the Research Group on Democracy, Citizenship and Law
For further information, please contact ceslx@ces.uc.pt