
The dereliction of Icarus - dreams, hopes and aspirations of young employees from the new (and precarious) world of work in Brazil (2003-2013)

Giovanni Alves (CES)

November 9, 2011, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


The goal is to expose the theoretical and methodological apparatus of the sociological research about the experience lived and perceived by the young employees from the new (and precarious) world of work in Brazil, aiming at capturing the dreams, hopes and aspirations of the new workers and employees at the restructured workplaces. Within this research, we intend to deal with the experience lived and perceived by the new capital collective worker emerging in the historical context of the structural labour insecurity. This new kind of wage-earning condition is a new historical form of precarious wage-earning position arising within the restructured workplaces.

Short biography

Giovanni Alves is a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies He is lecturer of sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Brazil), fellow researcher at CNPq, PhD in Social Sciences by the UNICAMP, general coordinator of RET - Rede de Estudos do Trabalho ( and the Project Tela Crítica (
He is the author of several works in the fields of labour, economic restructuring and sociability, such as “O Novo e Precário Mundo do Trabalho” (Editora Boitempo, 2000, 304 p), “Trabalho e Cinema – Vol. 1/2/3” (Editora Praxis, 2006/2008/2010), "A condição de proletariedade" (Editora Praxis, 2009) and “Trabalho e Subjetividade – O espírito do toyotismo na era do capitalismo manipulatório” (Editora Boitempo, 2011).

Note: Activity within the scope of the Research Group on Social Policies, Labor and Inequalities (POSTRADE)