Film Show

MINAR - Machinations of the World: Mining, Affections and Resistances

23, 24 e 25 de julho de 2024

Casa da Esquina, Bar Liquidâmbar, Escadas Monumentais and TAGV (Coimbra)



To kick off the Festival’s activities, we propose occupying different spaces in the city of Coimbra through various artistic activities. The starting point will be Casa da Esquina, with a screening of documentaries about lithium mining in Portugal and Chile and a Q&A with the directors. Afterwards, we will walk to Escadas Monumentais for a performance by the artist Kácio Santo. The evening of the first day of the Festival will end at Liquidâmbar, with a poetry soiree and an exhibition depicting the changes to landscapes, rhythms and ways of life caused by mining, seen from the sensitive perspective of the artists.

18:30 | Paradocma session: MINAR mini docs
Venue: Casa da Esquina

Black Mountain Argemela | 5 min
Acampamento em Defesa do Barroso [Camp in Defence of Barroso] | 5min
Maricunga: Ecosistema Amenazado por la Minería del Litio [Maricunga: Ecosystem Damaged by Lithium Mining] | 29 min
Processados [Processed] | 51 min
Q&A | 30 min

20:30 | Performance Braceada
Venue: Escadas Monumentais

Synopsis: Braceada is a performance about making way with your arms. It is a way of thinking about the structural racism that captures black labour power. It is a denunciation of the black intellectual epistemicide that pushes our bodies downhill. Braceada is a dance: when you fall, you patiently slip to avoid intellectual extractivism. Braceada is escape. It is a struggle. It seems solitary, but it carries an entire community of ancestors on its back. They are intense arms that dig into the ground to make hopes and revolutions spring up. It opens cracks. It cracks poetry. It fights the evil eye. Braceada is a performance made with faith and fire. Braceada is the black body rising up against reinforced concrete. Standing up. Caring to continue making future dances. Creation and performance: Kácio Santos, Artista investigartigador (dance artist, PhD candidate in Education UFPI/CES)

21:30 | Opening Sarau
Venue: Liquidâmbar Bar
Poetic, Musical and Artistic Open Mic

24 July 2024

Venue: TAGV | Gil Vicente Academic Theatre

On its second day, the Gil Vicente Academic Theatre (TAGV) is hosting MINAR in two sessions, followed by debates about mining and the changes it causes to landscapes in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The sessions also address the disasters resulting from the collapse of the Samarco (Vale/BHP BIlliton) tailings dams in Mariana and the Vale dam in Brumadinho, bringing together a dialogue between the destruction, the struggles of those affected and the healing of the river. The day closes with the presence of the Declamar Poesia Collective, in a special edition on the poems of the planet and its preservation.

15:30 | Machinations session
O Silêncio elementar [Elemental Silence]| 15 min
A Cura do Rio [The River Cure] | 18 min
Série Mariana Território [Mariana Territory Series] | 36 min
Q&A| 30 min

18:30 | Affections Session
A Lavra [The Plough] | 101 min
Q&A| 30 min

22:00 | Declamar Poesia Collective
Poems of the Planet and its Preservation

25 July 2024
Venue: TAGV | Gil Vicente Academic Theatre

On its third and final day, also at TAGV, MINAR features three documentary sessions and debates that deepen and intertwine the themes brought up throughout the exhibition: mining, affections and the struggle against announced and/or unleashed processes of destruction. In “Amazonia, the new Minamata?”, we follow the saga of the Munduruku people in the face of gold mining in the Amazon. In “Rejeito”, we witness the confrontation with mining companies by threatened communities in Minas Gerais, and, to close the programme, in “A Ilusão da Abundância”,[The Illusion of Abundance], we witness the tireless stories of three women fighting to protect nature and their lives in the face of modern corporations.

15:30 | Cinefront screening
Amazônia a Nova Minamata [Amazon, the New Minamata]
Debate | 30 min

18:30 | Resistances Session
Rejeito [Reject]
Debate | 30 min

21:30 | EcoAmazon Session
A Ilusão da Abundância [The Illusion of Abundance]
Debate | 30 min