
Working in prisons: labour conditions in prison environment

December 6, 2023, 14h30 (GMT)

Online event

The challenges posed by working conditions in prisons, recognised at national and international level, not least by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, are this meeting’s subject of reflection. The physical conditions of prisons, their organisation and operation and, in some cases, overcrowding, shift work, the possibility of hostility from inmates and the professionals’ perception of a lack of recognition are, among other things, aspects that contribute to professionals working in prisons perceiving their profession as demanding and stressful. This meeting seeks to provide some reflection on the political agenda in this area.

Marina Henriques, OPJ/CES
Luís Couto, Association of Prison Directors
Carlos Sousa, National Prison Guard Union
Hermínio Barradas, Trade Union Association of Prison Guard Corps Managers
Miguel Gonçalves, DGRSP Technicians trade Union
João Paulo Dias (moderator), OPJ/CES

Registration Required

Permanent Observatory for Justice / Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra 
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