Roundtable | Roundtable of Knowledges V

Researching from the margins: non-extractive methodologies

March 24, 2023, 10h00

Room 8, CES | Alta


The series "Roundtable of Knowledges" proposes a space for critical reflection on methods and practices of scientific research used by CES researchers. The aim is to develop instruments of critical analysis on current methodologies in research in the areas of social sciences, arts and humanities, as well as to encourage inter and transdisciplinary dialogue on methodological practices within the research community of CES.

In this eighth Tertulia, we propose a discussion on marginalized minorities and their histories.

The past and the present of systematically marginalized minorities are often part of the objects of study of different disciplines within the Social Sciences. Beyond the important contributions brought by methodologies such as queer/kuir/cuir or crip, which help to contextualize these subjects as excluded products of concrete and colonial systems of power, there remain many questions to address from a transdisciplinary and intersectional perspective in order to overcome the problems of omission presented by the sources. Similarly, it is necessary to reflect on the work with subjects of studies in order to humanise the processes of research in the Social Sciences. Specifically, about extractive practices in research, ethical commitments and the devolution of knowledge to those collectives we investigate.

We have invited Daniela Ferrández and colleague Ruben Solís to share their work and experiences, to which we add other reflections as starting points and inspiration for discussion:

To what extent are these knowledges useful/important for each discipline ... and for society in general? 

What non-extractive methodologies can be employed to know or research them? What methodological dangers exist?

What happens when those carrying out the research are part of the subalternised social group with which an investigation is carried out? To research with or about?  

How can we make use of non-extractive and transdisciplinary collaborations in research and dissemination of results?

We leave the invitation to appear and the challenge to bring some reflection or testimony about marginalized minorities and invisibilized histories.

Because this is intended to be a moment of informal conviviality and because the best ideas often emerge around the table, we suggest that you bring your glass or mug and any contribution (food or drink) for a shared snack.


Event within the Methodologies Series "Roundtable of Knowledges

Methodologies Series

Roundtable of Knowledges V