Workshop | Roundtable of Knowledges V

Queer Methodologies

July 3, 2023, 09h30-12h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


The consolidation of Queer Theories and Studies has posed several challenges to the Social Sciences and Humanities. Interdisciplinary (or undisciplined) and diverse in nature, Queer Theories deconstruct the dominant ontologies centred on binarity/binarism, heterocisnormativity and humanism, proposing new (queer) understandings of "the human" and "the social", with political implications for the promotion of the human dignity of those people whose lives take place at the margins of the normativity(ies).

The challenges for science are not only the ontological openness to include perspectives that break with these normativities, but also the epistemological and methodological implications of this deconstruction.

What happens to research when it allows itself to interact with queer paradigms?

What are the methodological implications of this interception?

Is it possible to apply queer methodologies and methods?

This workshop seeks to explore these and other questions, through practical activities and dialogical exercises between participants.

NOTE 1: Registration is free but compulsory, and should be done through this form.until June 27th

NOTE 2: This workshop is limited to 25 participants, who will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Workshop organised in the context of the Methodologies Series "Roundtable of Knowledges".

This session will be facilitated by Mara Pieri and Pedro Fidalgo (CES)


Methodologies Series

Roundtable of Knowledges V