DEbate | Great Controversies in Poltical Economy | 2022
Planning or Market?
José Reis
Ricardo Reis
October 27, 2022, 18h00 (GMT)
Online event
Bio notes of the Speakers
José Reis (CES/FEUC) - José Reis is Full Professsor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), where he graduated and conclued his PHD in Economics with a thesis published as a book under the title "Os Espaços da Indústria: a regulação económica e o desenvolvimento local em Portugal" [The Spaces of Industry: economic regulation and local development in Portugal]. He is member of the Natioanl Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Coordinator of the Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives and Co-Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation. Develops research in three main areas: a) organisation and evolution of economic systems, taking into account productive dynamics, labour and systems and employment and provision and forms of international insertion; b) territories, productive systems and regional dynamics; c) governance and institutions of the economy. Assumes a institutional perspective of political economy with interest for Portuguese and European economy.
Ricardo Reis (LSE) - Ricardo Reis is professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, holding the A.W. Philips chair. Among other distinctions, he was awarded the Yrjo Jahnsson Prize of the European Economic Association in 2021 for best economist in Europe under 45, the Germán Bernácer prize of 2016, that distinguishes European economists under 40 in the field of macroeconomics and finances, and the Prize in Economics and Monetary Finances of the Banque de France and Toulouse School of Economics of 2017, that distinguishes European researchers in the fields of monetary economy, finances and banking supervision. Academic adviser to the Bank of England, Riksbank and of the Federal Reserve of Richmond, conducts the Centre for Macroeconomics in the United Kingdom and is advisor to multiple organisations.
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