DEbate | Great Controversies in Political Economy | 2022

Is the Green New Deal the alterantive we need?

José Luis Garcia

Ricardo Coelho

June 23, 2022, 18h00 (GMT+1)

Online event

Bio notes of the Speakers 

José Luis Garcia (ICS) - José Luís Garcia holds a Phd in Social Sciences from the University of Lisbon and is Principal Investigator at the Institute for Social Sciences of the same University. His most recent research focuses on one of the fields that witnessed a structural change  in contemporary societies since the last quarter century.

Ricardo Coelho (project Coordinator at Start-PME) - Ricardo Coelho holds a PhD in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, an independent researcher and consultant. He studies the political economy of environmental market policies and the underlying value conflicts.


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