
From academia to the public: researching and transferring the history of sexual dissidence in Galicia (Spain)

Daniela Ferrández Pérez (CES)

September 26, 2022, 16h00-17h30

Room 2, CES | Alta


Despite the fact that in recent years we have seen an increase in academic works on the history and memory of sexual dissidence, these remain completely absent subjects both from public memory policies developed by public administrations and from educational curricula. However, and as recognised by the Spanish government, the dissemination of this field of study is fundamental to broaden social awareness about equality and non-discrimination of LGBT+ people.

It is important to understand that sexual and gender diversity is not a creation of the present, but a human characteristic that has been expressed in different ways according to society and context. It is also important to identify and deconstruct certain ideas on which many LGBTphobic discourses depend, their origin and their meaning throughout contemporary history. Situating ourselves in the peninsular space, the research on the history of sexual dissidence recovers memories repressed in Iberian dictatorships for not complying with the imposed sexual norm, also analysing the role of homosexual and LGBT liberation movements in the process of building a democratic citizenship.

In this sense, the presentation exposes a series of concrete activities that start from the collaboration between academia, educational institutions and public administrations during the first semester of 2022 in Galicia (Spain). All together, these activities are aimed at ensuring that the content researched on the history of sexual dissidence in the twentieth century in Galicia will have an impact in the educational and social spheres, in a process that will include the participation of collectives and activists.


Bio note
Daniela Ferrández Pérez
| Margarita Salas Post-doctoral researcher. PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). Margarita Salas post-doctoral researcher internship at the Centre for Social Studies until December 2023, associate researcher of the REMEMBER project and member of the GPS-CES (Sexuality Research Group). My research interests are the history of sexual dissidence in Iberian dictatorships and the conformation of homosexual-LGBT liberation movements in the Iberian peninsula, with special interest in the dissemination of these contents in educational, social and activist spheres. She is the author of the book A defunción dos sexos: dissidentes sexuais na Galicia contemporánea.

Organisers: Project REMEMBER | Vivências de Pessoas LGBTQ Idosas no Portugal Democrático (1974-2020). Funded by the Foundation for Scince and Technology, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC), ref.: PTDC/SOC-ASO/4911/2021.