Seminar #8 | «Deconfined Talks» II
Perspectives from the South: multiple readings
Maria Paula Meneses
Susana de Noronha
October 26, 2021, 16h00 (GMT+1)
Online event
Moderator: Filipe Santos (CES)
The global South mirrors the diversity of experiences and knowledges that put the world in motion, where the north-south dichtomy symbolises the abissal lines at the feet of imperial philosophy, sustaining the inequalities on which the world system is based. This dichotomy comprises a metaphor that, if on the one hand, can legitimise the dominant rationality, on the other, recognises the existence of alterantive subjectivities and sociabilities that allow for the construction of a new paradigm based on the principles of solidarity and community. This talk, based on specific contextual analyses on the meaning of health, resulting from diverse heterogeneous practices, seeks to promote a dialogue about the meaning of the South, lived and experienced by the body of various subjects of knowledge.
8th seminar of the open-access webinar series «Deconfined Talks» .
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