I Working Meeting

"New times" in education? How? The future is already here!

12 and 16 June - 14h-17h (GMT +01) | 07 July - 18h-20h (GMT +01) | 2021

Online event


The Seminar is structured in three parts: 

First moment

The participants will work in small groups, in a workshop format, to build from the individual contributions a portrait of education in Portugal and Brazil and to outline alternative emerging ideas for the problems identified. Four workshops have been organised over two working days (on each working day two workshops will take place simultaneously).

Second moment

The organisers of each workshop will systematise the contributions of the collective work and will produce a text with the main conclusions of the work of each group.

Third moment

All workshop participants will work together, in a final meeting, to share and discuss the systematisation of the results of the collective work carried out in each workshop and its integration in a single document.



12 June, 2021

14h - 17h (Portugal) / 10h - 14h (Brazil): Workshop 1 - Teacher Training
14h - 17h (Portugal) / 10h - 14h (Brazil): Workshop 2 - Curricula and pedagogical practices 

16 June, 2021
14h - 17h (Portugal) / 10h - 14h (Brazil): Workshop 3 - Assessment
14h - 17h (Portugal) / 10h - 14h (Brazil): Workshop 4 - Educative communities and identities 

7 de Julho de 2021
18h - 20h (Portugal) / 14h - 16h (Brasil): Roundtable - presentation of the main results of the workshops 

Workshop Themes:

Workshop 1 - Teacher training
António Nóvoa's ideas about the challenges for teacher training inspire this group. The aim is to review the hierarchical conditions that mark institutional relations and practices between higher education schools, universities, schools and kindergartens. The aim is shared work and epistemologies built collectively from our different working conditions, contexts and experiences. Teaching/learning communities of reflection and joint research  in the face of the challenges that are always placed before us and that we now feel are more radical. Will we learn to work together? To value the ecosystems that constitute us? We believe so, because we experience our power to re-signify spaces and practices.
Organisers: José Miguel Sacramento (ESEC, Portugal), Ruth Ramiro (São Gonçalo-RJ Municipal Education Office, Brazil), Brian Macedo (III-UC, Portugal), Celeste Barbosa (UFTM, Brazil).

Workshop 2 - Curricula and teaching practices
Which programmes, contents and strategies do we put at the service of our objectives? How can we overcome standardised practices and approach the diversity and unpredictability of life? What would be the educational practices in the 21st century? How can we guide ourselves towards everyone and also towards each one? How can we learn in the digital age? What can we learn? Where and with whom can we learn? And our bodies, how can we recover them as an integrated part in the learning processes we experience in virtual environments? Do we study in other ways in the pandemic? With what languages? How can creativity and aesthetic experiences help our scientific researches? What about the way we teach and learn? What space do we leave for discovery? What about families, can they participate? How can they?
Organisers: Rita Campos (CES-UC, Portugal), Raquel Maricato (JI SASAS, Portugal), Magnólia Araújo (UFRN, Brazil), Graziela Giacomazzo (UNESC, Brazil), Carla Gonçalves (UERJ, Brazil).

Workshop 3 - And
When does assesment start? What is evaluated and from which moment in the system of the academic offer thought from Kindergarten to the end of Higher Education? If everything has changed, how to assess? How can we work if the coordinates of time and space are under revision? Are the changes of the evaluative processes directly related to the changes that the practices, now remote, demand?
To evaluate who, how and for what? In the current conditions, how do we want to learn? How to motivate for learning? Do the current conditions demand a closer approach to assessments as part of learning? How can we reconfigure ourselves if the systems prevent us?
Organisers: Fátima Velez Castro (FLUC, Portugal), Graciane Volotão (Municipal Education Secretary of São Gonçalo - RJ, Brazil), Michele Barreto Nunes (Municipalized State School Lúcio Thomé Feteira, Brazil), Waleska Sousa (UFTM, Brazil).

Workshop 4 - Educating communities and Identities
In what dimensions does the pandemic reconfigure our learners (teachers, students, children)? How to review the relationships established between teachers and students and with their colleagues? How to understand each child only as a learner or as an individual in development and from then on, change this view of person? Who are we and how will we exist from now on? Which students do we have in "our classrooms"? What "classroom" has now crept into the equation?
To what extent can these reconfigurations help us to become educating communities?  What is the school now? What functions does it have in this deconstructed world? What functions should it have? The private dimension of a space with a public function is not the same: how to act? What sociability is possible in educational spaces What is the teacher's responsibility and what is the responsibility of students and their families? Where does caring fit in - caring for ourselves, caring for the Other?
Organisers: Denise Esteves (CES-UC, Portugal), Maria Jorge Ferro (FPCEUC, Portugal), Sueli de Lima Moreira (UERJ, Brazil), Lorena Areas (UERJ, Brazil).