I Working Meeting
"New times" in education? How? The future is already here!
12 and 16 June - 14h-17h (GMT +01) | 07 July - 18h-20h (GMT +01) | 2021
Online event
The Laboratory of Reflection and Action in teacher education brings together a group of teachers, students of teacher education courses and researchers from different institutions from Portugal and Brazil who focus on researching their practices, in a collective perspective, in order to contribute to the revision of teacher education models.
We may say, metaphorically, that we are a transatlantic group. We occupy a virtual place between two countries with many histories, Portugal and Brazil. We contradict notions of distance, even respecting them, and we find ourselves on an island! A place of our own, where we are organised as a team. It is to this place that we invite you.
We propose a virtual meeting to collectively reflect on the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed on us. We are looking for other grammars, and for conditions to express them through borderline experiences between artistic and scientific creation.
For over a year, we have been radically rewriting our histories on this planet. Since the pandemic began, we have rolled up our sleeves and tried to respond to the challenges as we knew how, as we could, as it was possible for us. But we cannot go back to the way things were before, we may never. Experiences leave their mark on us, we cannot forget them.
And we ask ourselves: what do we, students and teachers, know about the stories of these past months? How can we formulate new learning conditions if not by sharing the experiences we have lived through since then? What have we learnt in these last months? Will we manage to be different after all this?
Well, it is the stories of these times that we need to tell. Before we spoke of a "new school". And now? What to do now?
This seminar seeks to create, through collective research work, contributions to the current challenges of education in times of social distancing for countries with distinct realities such as Portugal and Brazil. It is organised in four workshops focused on dimensions that are interconnected when we think about education - teacher training, evaluation, educating communities and identities and curricula and pedagogical practices - and a round of conversation where the collaborative work produced in each workshop will be debated.
Target audience: all people committed to a vision of transformative, inclusive, critical and creative education. Active or in-service teachers, from pre-school to university, students and families, from Portugal and Brazil.
Important Dates
Registration: May 3rd to 19th, 2021
Notice of acceptance of registrations: until June 2nd, 2021
Workshops 1 and 2: June 12th, 2021 (14h-17h)
Workshops 3 and 4: June 16th, 2021 (14h-17h)
roundtable: July 7th 2021 (18h-20h)
For questions or queries, you can contact us at the following email address: linvestigacaoacaopedagogica@gmail.com