Seminar | CES, Health and Epistemologies of the South
On a sociology of meditation: crossroads between politics, affect and ontology
António Carvalho (CES/FEUC)
December 3, 2021, 15h00 (GMT)
Online event
Under the Series CES, Health and Epistemologies of the South, this seminar will count on a talk by António Carvalho (CES/FEUC)
Comments: Tiago Pires Marques (CES) | Moderator: Susana de Noronha (CES)
Bio note
António Carvalho works as an Invited Assistant Professor at the sociology department of the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra. He's a permanent researcher of the Centre for Social Studies, where he currently coordinates the research project TROPO: Anthropocenic Ontologies in Portugal - Social Movements, Public Policies and Emerging Technologies. He's also a member of the coordination team of the Annual Conferences Cycle "Young Social Scientists" and a member of the editorial staff of Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. His current research interests include Biopolitics, the Anthropocene, Mindfulness, post-humanist theory and affect. His work has been published in journals such as Public Understanding of Science, Subjectivity, Nanoethics, Minerva, Globalization and Health and The Sociological Review.
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