Challenges on the menu: agrotoxics, transgenics, deforestation and climate change
Glenn Makuta
Leomar Daroncho
Leonardo Melgarejo
26 de julho de 2021, 14h30-17h30 (GMT+1)
Online event
The debate on issues such as agrotoxics, transgenics, deforestation and climate change is strongly connected to food issues. Among the integral elements of the content of the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition (HRtAFN) are food adequacy and sustainability. With regard to adequacy, food must be adequate in quantity and quality to meet the nutritional needs of people, considering their peculiarities and, moreover, it must be free of toxic and adverse substances. Sustainability includes the notion that food production must be compatible with the environment, so that the present and future generations can enjoy favourable conditions, not only for planting and producing food, but also for harmonious coexistence with other life forms on the planet.
Leomar Daroncho, Procurador do Ministério Público do Trabalho-BR e ex-Diretor-geral do Ministério Público do Trabalho, articulista e palestrante na temática dos agrotóxicos
Glenn Makuta, Biólogo, articulador da Rede Slow Food-Brasil e ativista alimentar
Leonardo Melgarejo, Engenheiro Agrônomo, MsC Economia Rural, Dr. Engenharia de Produção, Coordenador Adjunto do Fórum Gaúcho de Combate aos Impactos dos Agrotóxicos, membro Fundador do Movimento Ciência Cidadã (MCC) e da UCCSNAL (Union de Cientificos Comprometidos con la Sociedad y la Naturaleza de America Latina).
Moderators: Sara Rocha (ACTUAR) and Lúcia Fernandes (CES-UC)
Organisers: CES-UC, FIAN-Brazil, FIAN-International, Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food (Brazil) and European Research Institute-EURICONV